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Friday, August 10, 2012

Make Up Order of Application

When I think about Self-Esteem, I believe that inner and outer beauty go hand in hand. You see when I was in third grade, I didn't really care about my outer beauty. I didn't care about brushing my hair, I wore nerdy glasses cause they were comfortable and I could have cared less if my clothes matched that day. Needless to say I got teased A LOT! I learned something from this though, people care about you more when you care about yourself and that really reflects by the way you take care of your appearance.

I remember thinking back on school picture day when my mom when take time to put curlers in my hair, help me pick out the best outfit from my closet and spend time with me making sure I looked extra special, I felt REALLY good about myself. Ever notice how when you feel good about yourself you are happier, which then makes it easier to go out of your way and make others happier?
It's this chain reaction all where you feel good so you want others to feel good so you serve more, you love more and you smile more. By putting a little extra time into your beauty routine - you have a greater chance of making others feel loved.
I plan to share lots of beauty advice on this blog to help and inspire YOU to feel confident.

Here is a FREE printable I made for you on the Order of Application for Skin care and makeup. This list is based off of Mary Kay products, however if you don't use Mary Kay you can alter the steps to fit the skin care products you do use. 
{If you are interested on any of the following products you can find them at www.marykay.com/AshleyFrederickson}

Free Printables - Make up Order of Application

Taking good care of your skin is essential for outer beauty. Taking good care of your skin allows your natural beauty to just radiate so you will SHINE!
One of the MOST IMPORTANT beauty secrets I can give you is to wash your face every night no matter how tired you are! It's that simple and it will make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Power of One

The Power of One is a program I created which inspires individuals to believe in their individual worth and gain confidence within by serving others one person at a time! This program encourages others to look within to find their "unique gift" they have to share with the world.

I am firm believer that we all have a GIFT... this may include a musical talent, the ability to write cards, faith, the ability to comfort others, public speaking skills, making others feel loved, instilling confidence in others, dancing, believing in the dreams of others and SO MUCH MORE!!!

There is a song that I just LOVE that talks about sharing your gift 

Once you find that gift that you have to offer and you start giving it away, you develop a confidence within that then helps you to realize your true potential and the POWER that you have with in. It just takes ONE to make a difference and it just takes ONE to believe in YOU!!!

I am so excited for the change that is going to be created by this program. The world will forever be changed all by everyone working together to spread a little kindness and building confidence within.

The first thing I am going to do as Miss Murray 2013 is have a "Power of One" party that will include random acts of kindness booths with simple things you can do to make a difference. There will also be workshops to help others build their self esteem.

I believe Self-esteem is one of the biggest issues that is facing individuals in this day and age. We all want to feel loved and accepted and beautiful but how do we when we are constantly comparing ourselves to magazines, media and every where we go someone has something to say to make us feel inadequate.

Imagine what this world would be like if we all had confidence within? There would be less people turning to drugs to fit in, less teenage pregnancies, less eating disorders, and more love and compassion for others because when we feel great we want to make others feel great!

BE THE CHANGE and use the power YOU have to make a difference!