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Monday, April 29, 2013

Linda Designs 4U - Inspiring jewelry shop


Have you heard about this inspiring teen?

This is Linda, a 17-year old cancer survivor and difference maker!  While undergoing chemo
treatments, her mom would bring her beads to make jewelry. This kept her spirits lifted
as she loved jewelry! One day a nurse asked to buy a pair of her earrings
and soon others started to do the same. This was just the begging of opening her
jewelry designing business Linda Designs 4U

A portion of all her proceeds go to help those in foster care who are fighting cancer.

Go watch a video about it HERE.

Stories like this touch my heart. I can't imagine the hard battle that they have
fought. But what seems to stick out the most is the kind charitable heart that this
girl has and an optimistic attitude that is just contagious.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Nothing is impossible!

"You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new Dream.
- Aristotle
I LOVE this quote so so much! I have been thinking a lot about life and where I am at in life right now.
I have lived a great life so far. I love how everything I have done in my life has made me
 the girl that I am to this day. I have learned a lot and I am stronger and happier
than I have been in a long time.
But part of me wishes I had got through school sooner and been more in touch
with what I really truly wanted in the end.
I want to be successful and well accomplished. I have never been
truly in love with learning and attending school.
But I am just now starting to see the bigger picture that knowledge is power.
Knowledge is the one thing we can keep forever.
Some days I feel like I should have a master's by now and I am
going through school WAY too slowly.
Sometimes I feel like I should have a "Grown up career" by now.
Sometimes I get down that I still live in a bedroom in my parents home.
I love my life, I really truly do. I just sometimes get overwhelmed dreaming
of the success I wish I was already living.
I am so grateful for this quote to remind me that it is NEVER too late for success!
It is NEVER too late to dream another dream.
I have my whole life to accomplish what I want to set out and do.
I have my whole life to work a successful career.
This is my time to enjoy the journey and just keep following my heart.
I feel like with God is on my side, it's like double time.
Heavenly Father is making up for what I am lacking and I am becoming
the girl he wants me to be through his help.
He is strengthening me, guiding me, teaching me
and leading me through things I THOUGHT were
impossible but am finding each and every day that with his help
ANYTHING is possible.
Faith, integrity and going out of your way to make others feel loved is
 what I am finding to be the secret to EVERY SINGLE SUCCESS I have ever
wanted. Every single dream can come true with these values in your heart.
If you are reading this.... YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!
You are here on earth right now because God loves you!
Trust in him, with his help

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25th - Pay it Forward day

April 25th is special for two reasons:

1. Miss Congeniality

I LOVE this movie. The first time I saw this movie, I believe I was 12 years old.
I was having a sleepover with Elise Frederickson, because in the morning
we would be leaving for Denver, Colorado to watch my
Aunt and Uncle get  married. 

Little did I know 6 years later, I would be competing in pageants.

Enjoy this perfect date! It's beautiful outside today! :)

Now the second reason April 25th is special.

2. It is Pay it Forward day

My friend Stacey Hansen taught me to think of Pay it Forward like PAY IT 4WARD!

Go out and serve someone that you think needs a little extra love in their life or you can even serve all 4 different type of people.

That is what i will be doing! I can't wait to use my Power of One to hopefully change days and people and start a ripple effect. I will report back to you and I hope you will do the same!

Go HERE to print off free pay it forward cards!

And you can check out the Payit4ward program HERE!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dear Ashley Marie

Dear Ashley Marie,
I love wearing lip gloss but sometimes feel it starts running, what can I do to prevent this?

Dear Kendyl,
This is normal, it usually depends on the kind of lip gloss you are using. But the funny thing is usually the best most moisturizing kinds tend to do this. One way to help you keep the lip gloss placed where you want it is to wear a lip liner. Now go with me for a minute. I know when you think of lip liner you think super fancy or that is for mom's. If you use one that is the perfect color for your lips and the gloss it will work. Want to hear an even cooler trick? CLEAR LIP LINER! - I know SO BRILLIANT! Clear lip liner isn't noticeable, it will keep your lip gloss/ lip stick placed where it needs to be and will help keep your lips looking beautiful! It is amazing stuff! 

You can buy it HERE!

Ashley Marie

Dear Ashley Marie,
There is this totally cute boy in my Spanish class. I'm not sure he even knows I exist but I think it would be so fun to go out on a date with him. How do I get him to notice me?
Girl with a crush

Dear Girl with a crush,
Getting to know different guys in high school can be rough. One of the best things you can do to get him to notice you is to smile at him. Smiling makes you look friendly, happy, confident and outgoing. He is sure to notice you if you start smiling at him more often and letting him see your gorgeous personality shine through that stunning smile you got.
Try it.... what can you loose?
Ashley Marie

Dear Ashley Marie,
Sometimes I feel like I am in a box. I want to be more outgoing and help people more but I am clueless as to where to start. HELP!

Dear Collette,
That is such a great goal you have! There are some really simple steps you can take to help people more. If you are more on the shy end then start by writing one note a day!
Write a note to your friend thanking her for being so patient with you. Write a note to the elderly lady that lives across the street just letting her know you care. Write a note to your favorite cafe' thanking them for always serving you. Write a note to a past teacher that really helped you when you needed it the most. 
This should be a great start. I want to hear all about it so please write me after doing this step and I will show you more ways to help you branch out more and show people that you care! Good luck!
Ashley Marie

These advice posts have been real popular hits and I LOVE DOING THEM! If you have a question you think I can help you with or want some anonymous advice, write to me at AshleyFrederickson@marykay.com

Monday, April 22, 2013

You are more beautiful than you think!!

This video has gone pretty viral, so chances are you have seen it!
But if not, watch it NOW!
It is a video put on by Dove about our perception of beauty.
Dove has been one of my favorite companies for a long time.
It is a company truly believes in building up self-esteem
in woman young and old and I love and 
respect them so so so much for their goodness.
Working for Dove on the Self-Esteem side would
be my dream job to say the least.
Hopefully one day! :)
Beauty is incredible.
Beauty is so different to each and every one of us.
We all see it differently but yet
there is beauty in EVERYTHING!!

Beauty is way beyond the flaws, 
flaws are what creates beautiful things!


When you first 
the world will then start to believe that they are beautiful
and we will forever change the world!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Styles that I am loving

Spring shopping sounds so delightful to me! 

Here are some styles that I am loving lately:

How stunning right?
It is simple, springy and modest.
 My heart and found it's match!

I am loving this for a pageant interview.
So all you pageant girls out there, this is a great find 
to snag on up!

This color would look stunning on basically anyone!
It is my absolute favorite color to wear!
I want this dress for public speaking, 
ahh it is oh so perfect!

I LOVE this trendy office look! 
It is so in style but yet classic.
I was worried that it was a bit too short,
but good news, the skirt comes separate which means you 
can wear it at the length you feel comfortable with.

So I love dresses! I love business dresses!

Dresses that I can make a presentation in but still look 

very professional!

What is your favorite designer for dresses?