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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

While Some Call it Fate, it's Truly Divine Design

Nothing fills my soul more than knowing something that I say or do is actually making a difference. The problem is, I don't always get to see the other side, the perspective of the receptor. While that is okay, and it's really a faith thing, the days when I actually get to KNOW...those are different.

Today was one of those days... and it left a huge and impactful imprint on my heart.

The words "It was fate you came in today" just keep replaying in my mind. If only she knew it was a message from God...if only she knew just how much He was watching over her. 

I went in to get my eyebrows waxed today and the esthetician was telling me how she had recently broken up with a guy. Heartache is painful, my heart ached for hers. She was telling me how it was so hard to reminisce over the sentimental photos and details of their relationship, I just listened. I've always loved listening to the heart of another, I've had the thought a time or two how incredible of a therapist I could make. I don't like talking about myself much...not that I'm trying to hide the details of my life because I share those openly on social media, haha. I just simply don't know what to say. Which is kind of awesome, because it makes me one killer listener.

This girl shared with me how she could see he never really loved her, he just loved the way she treated him. She explained how deep it hurt to think about. I too have been through the same thing...I understood. And yet, God has blessed me so very much. Really, it's Christ that has the power to heal all wounds.

Isn't life all about perspective? Isn't there power in hope?

I simply shared with her wisdom that I wish I had understood several years ago. I told her "That's so great it wasn't love! You thought it was love, but it wasn't, even during those really great times. Which means when you find it, real true love, it will be so much better than anything you have felt up to this point. There's so much more hope that awaits you."

It was then that I felt Heavenly Father as she spoke the words, "Wow, I've never thought about it that way. It was fate you came in today."

Neal A. Maxwell once spoke, "He does not do things by 'coincidence' but ... by "divine design"

Oh, how true that is. I don't know how much she needed those words today. But they weren't my words. They were words from Heavenly Father. It's not me. It's about Him. I simply want to be His messenger. 

I want to be able to always be on His errand. 
And in tune with The Spirit always 
so I don't miss a beat. 

I haven't gotten my eyebrows professionally done in a long while. Why today? Only Heavenly Father knows. I just happened to get an email with a discount code which inspired me to go in today. 

I sure hope one day she knows it was God's message. I hope I can see her again and perhaps leave a note that can maybe help her know or even feel the truth. Maybe I'll leave a rose with a Book of Mormon for her randomly this month to "LIGHT THE WORLD". That's for God to decide, but more than anything I want to always be willing to be a message piece and servant for God at all times, in all things, and in all places.

I am His and I want to live it LOUD

I will do anything to help be a part of His Divine Design!!!