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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dear Ashley Marie

Dear Ashley Marie,
What is lash primer and do I need to use it?

Dear Maddie,
Lash primer is an amazing product that gives you lashes an extra lift and helps mascara go on more evenly, smoothly and helps prevent clumping. I love it. I notice a difference in my lashes when I use it. You only need to use it if you are looking for something more to help your eyes pop and your lashes to appear longer and more fuller.
Ashley Marie

 Buy it HERE

Dear Ashley Marie,
I work, go to school and I am involved in so many projects and groups...I feel so overwhelmed. How I balance my life better?

Dear Kenna,
Sounds like you really are busy. Good for you for doing something valuable with your time. The key to balance is choosing projects that take up time with great care. If something isn't fun for you or isn't something that is really going to help you or someone else in the long run, don't be afraid to say no or turn it down. With that being said the second most important thing you can do is plan plan plan! Have a daily planner either online or on paper but map out everything from 6am - 10pm (you will find you can get more done in the mornings then staying up late at night). If something isn't set in stone for a time, let's say homework - still put it down. Schedule out a time block for your homework and stay true to your plan. It may help you to list everything you are involved with and how many hours you need to spend on it a day or a week. Once you list everything you will find you even have a little room for time with yourself which is vitally important for balance. 
Good luck with all your projects!
Ashley Marie

Dear Ashley Marie,
What's something I can do to stay positive, even on the days I don't feel like it?
Girl seeking optimism

Dear Girl seeking optimism,
What a great question. The way we think can be a challenge at times but it is a vital part of our life. Thinking positively can be the greatest reward you give yourself and it can make or break your happiness. Here are some ideas...
1. Remember that all things work for good - even the bad things in life bring goodness and blessings eventually.
2. Put a sign on your mirror that you can read everyday that says "This too shall pass" Just remembering that the hard times don't last long can be so comforting.
3. Practice Positive Affirmations - I will do a post on this soon!
4. Talk to someone whether it be a friend, sibling or mentor about the feelings you have. Just talking to someone puts life in a better perspective.
5. Surround yourself with positive people!
Ashley Marie