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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 things I love about myself

Making a list about what you like about yourself is a great way to get out of the negative self-talk cycle we all tend to go through. Focusing on what you love about yourself is one sure way to build your self-esteem and confidence. 

PLEASE make your a list of things you love about YOU - then hang it somewhere you will see it OFTEN. That way when a negative thought pops into your mind, you can replace it with something on the list.

10 things I love about myself:

1. I love that I have perfect knowledge that I am a daughter of God - 
This knowledge empowers me and strengthens me to do things that are often past my own capacity. This knowledge brings me hope in my life that I am never alone and I am always being watched over. This knowledge makes every decision in my life so much easier. I know when I choose God to be on my team, I can see him guiding me every step of the way and that is the only thing in the world I need. With this knowledge, I know without a doubt I am destined for greatness and happiness for eternity.

2. I have an incredible ability to love and accept everyone - 
I remember back in high school being on the Peer Leadership Team. We were discussing each others strengths and weaknesses to make our team stronger. It was brought up that I never say anything bad about anyone. After class, one of my team mates came up to me and said "I know you never say anything bad about anyone, but how is it possible you don't even think bad about anyone?" Her question made me really stop and think, I finally came up with an answer for her. There is so much good in every single person and I was at a point in my life where I knew without a shadow of a doubt that we were all once upon a time spirit children of a loving Heavenly Father. It is a gift that I have to see good in everyone and accept it ONLY when I am choosing to trust God and living my life to the absolute best of my ability. I remember a point in my life where I lost this gift. This is proof to me that grace is real and it makes up for what I lack when I am choosing to live my life in faith and meekness. (Ether 12:26-29)

3. I can balance work, full time school, being a pageant director, being a relief society teacher,  working out and starting my own business -
I may not be completely able to balance each of these areas in my life at all times but somehow I am fully able to get done what needs to get done when it's due. I love staying busy, I always have and I find great joy in wearing many hats that all seem to revolve around one focus for me. That focus is becoming my absolute best self as I strive to empower girls in all that I do.

4. I am so persistent, I don't give up on a goal - 
Many of you know that I competed in 9 different pageants. If I want something, I go for it and I don't give up on the goal no matter how long it takes to get there. I believe dreams and goals are put in our hearts for a purpose and it is our job to chase them. When there is a will, there is a way. And sometimes, the end result of your goal will turn out different that you expected. 

My favorite quote:

5. I truly believe I can change the world - 
This has been my dream since before I can remember. I remember at the age of 8 believing that I had a purpose to fulfill and I needed to be aware of my thoughts and my actions as they would influence those around me. I have the strongest desire to start a nonprofit (or for good business) that will help conquer the negative beliefs girls have about their selves. I believe it just takes ONE person to change the world and you don't even have to do something drastic to change the world. Small, little actions that make a change all add together and that is what ends up changing the world. And I plan on doing my part and truly believe that my part will make a difference.

6. I am so passionate about working with girls - 
Starting and directing the Miss Murray's Outstanding Teen Pageant has been one of the hardest things I have ever done but oh, so very rewarding. Every time something goes right and works, two things will go wrong and while at times I have been tempted to throw in the towel, there is this very calm peace and inner my voice shouts "You're doing the right thing" so I listen. At the end of the day when you take away the recruiting, fundraising, production, website management, paperwork, PR, phone calls, and all the other tasks that can be daunting - working with the girls one on one is the greatest thing I have ever experienced. It has been the most incredible year this year to have Lauren Wells, the current titleholder by my side. Lauren is incredibly strong & talented in so many areas and I learn from her every single day. She inspires me to be better and work harder. This girl is made up of persistence and dedication that have I never seen in anyone her age. {Watch out world, Lauren is coming for you!} It honestly is the greatest thing to watch these girls transform from a caterpillar to a butterfly. You can't compete in a pageant without changing, it just happens after all the interview and confidence preparation and I love that I have the opportunity to watch it happen.

7. I am optimistic -
I honestly love life! There is so many incredible things in the world to go after and to aspire to be. If I am ever faced with a challenge, I find a way to work around it whether it be calling up a friend for advice or finding a deeper way to rely on God to help me through the challenge. I have so much faith that while life can be very difficult at times, Heavenly Father has purpose in every trial he sends our way and there is ALWAYS a silver lining.

8. I love the color of my eyes -
This may be the feature I get the most compliments on. I really do love the beautiful blue-green color and the way they pop depending on what I'm wearing.

9. I am passionate about speaking to girls and I am blessed to receive opportunities to be a guest speaker for many Young Women nights.
Speaking to Young Women's groups about being beautiful to Christ is something I thrive upon. It is such a blessing to me that I have gone through experiences that I can now talk about and share with girls to help them realize their worth. I want girls everywhere to know that their beauty comes from Christ and that's where it should be looked upon. Beauty should never be found or sought after in the world's standards. Every time I share my message, my testimony grows that much stronger. It is my dream to get to speak to girls across the nation. 

10. I am SO passionate about service, I give more time to service than I do to work and school.
I love that service is something that I can easily give and it always puts a smile on my face. I just love making others happy and it is so rewarding to see the difference that is being made and the lives that are being touched because you chose to think out of your box for just a minute and dedicate your thoughts to someone else for a change.

Well I did my 10, let's hear yours! If you make a list, leave a comment and I will definitely be over to check out your blog! This exercise is the perfect start to building your self esteem!