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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

101 descriptions of humility

I LOVE studying humility. It is my favorite topic. Everything that makes you become a better person, and everything that helps you become a disciple of Jesus Christ is all under the umbrella of humility. 

Being humble is what will lead you to follow God's commandments, bring peace and happiness in your life, and ultimately lead you to become like Jesus Christ.

I'm not perfect but this is the list I strive to become.

1. Humility is knowing that God is wiser than you and you are willing to acknowledge him in all that you do.

2. Humility is the pure love of Christ.

3. Humility is letting others go ahead of you.

4. Humility is not having to have the last word.

5. Humility is doing favors for others.

6. Humility is the willingness to open your scriptures.

7. Humility is the strength to not raise your voice when you're upset.

8. Humility is not needing attention.

9.  Humility is forgiving someone you think doesn't deserve it.

10. Humility is being concerned about the person more than the problem. 

?11. Humility is the grace between loving a person who has completely different beliefs than you.

12. Humility is admitting you aren't always right. 

13. Humility is showing respect. 

14. Humility is being kind to someone even if they have offended you.

15. Humility is turning the other cheek.

16. Humility is asking for help and guidance from Heavenly Father.

17. Humility is giving others the spotlight.

18. Humility is gratitude.

19. Humility is the ability to not always have to have things your way.

20. Humility is acknowledgement that everything you have comes from God.

21. Humility is honesty in all things.

22. Humility is giving away what you don't need.

23. Humility is being fearless because you trust The Lord.

24. Humility is sharing what you have to offer.

25. Humility is willingness to sacrifice what is asked of you. 

26. Humility is courage to do the right thing.

27. Humility is letting go of the need for attention.

28. Humility is the desire to Come Unto Christ.

29. Humility is giving praise and compliments to others.

30. Humility is admitting you are wrong.

31. Humility is speaking no unkind word, even if you know you're right.

32. Humility is T.H.I.N.K before you speak.

33. Humility is recognizing that opportunity is hard work.

34. Humility is willingness to do what you don't want to do, especially when it's the right thing.

35. Humility is not caring what other people think of you.

36. Humility is letting other drivers go ahead of you.

37. Humility is acceptance that the ideas of others may be better than yours.

38. Humility is having faith that others can succeed.

39. Humility is not being jealous of the successes of others.

40. Humility is the acceptance that not everything always has to be equal.

41. Humility is the desire to give more than you expect to receive in return.

42. Humility is the quality of confident people.

43. Humility is pure happiness.

44. Humility is turning to God immediately when you have a problem, fear, or doubt.

45. Humility is accepting that the trials in this life are needed for us to grow.

46. Humility is turning away from your thoughts no matter how hard your life may seem.

47. Humility is serving another person, even when you feel your own world is crashing down.

48. Humility is the desire to have the spirit in your life.

49. Humility is choosing to dress modestly.

50. Humility is putting aside another's offensive remarks.

51. Humility is forgetting about your to-do's to be there for someone else.

52. Humility is not always having to be right.

53. Humility is willing to trust God's plan is better.

54. Humility is turning to ask for God's will to line up with yours.

55. Humility is willingness to allow God to change your heart.

56. Humility is the ability to give up what you want for what He wants.

57. Humility is trusting in the path that He leads you on.

58. Humility is courage to believe God knows your heart better than you do.

59. Humility is giving up all the worldly things that entice you.

60. Humility is building someone up whether they hurt you or not.

61. Humility is never feeling inferior to another person.

62. Humility is never gossiping about other's behind their back.

63. Humility is jumping to be the first one to apologize.

64. Humility is building someone up when they tear you down.

65. Humility is being pure and virtuous.

66. Humility is stopping

67. Humility is willingness to let go of perfection.

68. Humility is accepting what you DO have and being happy with it.

69. Humility is recognizing the role God plays in your life.

70. Humility is relying on the atonement of Jesus Christ.

71. Humility is being teachable no matter what you think you may know.

72. Humility is willingness to forgive others, no matter what kind of harm they caused.

73. Humility is uplifting everyone in your space and never needing credit or glory.

74. Humility is being a good example but never trying to change another person.

75. Humility is opening your scriptures when you don't feel like studying.

76. Humility is gratitude through trials and pain.

77. Humility is courage is to reach out to those who need a friend.

78. Humility is never worrying about what other's opinions are of you.

79. Humility is guarding your thoughts of all inappropriate and evil things.

80. Humility is faith that the intentions of others are good.

81. Humility is serving secretly, not caring if anyone ever finds out it was you!

82. Humility is loving every single person. 

83. Humility is getting rid of labels, stereotypes and all unkind names.

84. Humility is yielding to the authority of others. 

85. Humility is quick to repent no matter how big or tiny the sin may be.

86. Humility is willing to sacrifice popularity for truth and integrity.

87. Humility is realizing being a child of God is the greatest call you will have in this life.

88. Humility is willing to let go of all media that isn't fulfilling.

89. Humility is sustaining every word the prophet says.

90. Humility is accepting and embracing the life you have been dealt.

91. Humility is constant looking around to make another's day better!

92. Humility is praying for temptations to go away.

93. Humility is being nonjudgmental.

94. Humility is helping others to feel of Gods love by the way you treat them.

95. Humility is praying for your heart to be open & accepting.

96. Humility is trusting in the Lord with your entire heart.

97. Humility is never postponing a prompting.

98. Humility is praying when you don't feel like it.

99. Humility is looking on the heart instead of worldly appearance.

100. Humility is seeing the good in everyone.

101. Humility is striving to keep sacred covenants.

What does Humility mean to you?


  1. I LOVE this. I've been thinking about humility a lot lately, and trying to figure out how I can live more like our Savior.

  2. Thank you! You inspire me to be better every day!


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