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Friday, January 23, 2015

Sister Dalton {My Role Model}

Sister Dalton came and spoke to the University of Utah Institute today. She is one of my absolute favorite people in this world, in fact, she is my role model!!

If you don't know much about Sister Elaine S. Dalton, allow me to tell you how absolutely incredible she is. She was the General Young Women's President from 2008 - 2013. She has ran 17 marathons. She loves running because that is her time to be alone with Heavenly Father. She is now a member of the board of trustees for Utah Valley University and serving with Uplift families (an organization founded by Utah's First Lady). Oh yeah, and her lucky number is 13! :)

To every girl out there, it's important to have a role model. Someone who inspires you to be better. What do you look for in a role model? You see how they act, how do they dress, how do they treat others? These traits will give you clues to what they love in their life and how they choose to respect what is most important to them. 

By the way Sister Dalton acts, dresses, and displays such love for all those she is around, I know that she loves Heavenly Father and she constantly seeks to invite the spirit into her life.

Here are the notes I took from the fireside...

* You are not ordinary! You have been prepared and reserved to be on the earth at this time!

* So many are listening too much to the voices of the world.

* In the Young Women's theme, it states "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who love us" "We will stand as witnesses of God at all times." - These two statements are absolute truths and they are never changing!

* Each of you have a divine and unique purpose to fulfill.

* Always act will thy part!

* The atonement makes it possible for us to repent and change because of who we are and where we are going. Because of the atonement, we can one day stand spotless before Heavenly Father.

* You will be prepared for ANYTHING if you will give 100% to three things. Pray morning & evening and read the Book of Mormon every single day! If you can only fit in 5 minutes of reading some days, then fine. Just do it, never, ever missing a day!

* You are here on earth at the time opposition as well as opportunities are here at the greatest they have ever been. 

* 3 things to look for in a husband - Honors his priesthood, Loves the Lord, and wants a family - everything else will take place on it's own. 

* You can change by relying on the Savior's atonement to do that.

* I can do hard things! {Hanging in her office} THEN she added "In the strength of the Lord, I can do ALL things!

* You are getting too many worldly messages that are saying you are not enough! You are enough because you are a child of God!

* Families are the central plan of the gospel and our purpose. Of course Satan is going to try and attack it the most. 

* Put the Lord first in ALL things!

* What are you spending your time on? Time is such a precious gift from Heavenly Father and you can't waste a single minute of it.

* There is too great a risk if you lose the spirit. That's why every show, every song, every movie you choose to watch and listen to matters!

* We CANNOT yield or compromise if the world is against us.

* We are surrounded by things that keep us from being pure. Guard yourselves constantly!

* Purity is such a big deal that we have the opportunity for the sacrament every single week so we can become pure again to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

* You've got to do EVERYTHING you can to be pure so you can be worthy of the Holy Ghost.

* There was a war in Heaven and WE WON THE WAR!!

* You are here to stand as a witness to Heavenly Father.

* One of Satan's biggest goals is to distract you from the temple.

* The closer we come to Him, the closer we come to each other, and that's how we can make a difference.

* You can learn differently than any other person on the earth through study and by faith through the Holy Ghost. Because you have the spirit, you can be put on the cutting edge.

* Invite the Spirit into your life always!

* Be pure so the spirit can dwell within you!

* Pray every single night for forgiveness.

* The secret to success - Turn your life over to the Lord and He will make something incredible of you!

* Success comes from PROS - Pray, Read, Obey, and Smile

* Smile even if you don't feel happy!! The Holy Ghost does not dwell around unhappy or grumpy people, it just doesn't happen.

* One virtuous Young Man or Young Women led by the spirit, can change the world!!

Here are some of my favorite talks she has given:

And this video NEVER gets old {Deep Beauty}: