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Thursday, January 1, 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

First let's talk about 2014! It rocked! Nothing can ever replace the lessons that I learned, the changes that took place, and the relationships that I gained and strengthened. I said 2014 would be my year from the beginning and it was. Not in the way I had hoped, but in a way that was so much better than I could ever envision. 

I can't count the times that the Lord was right by my side, guiding me in the direction and showing me that He wouldn't leave me. I had some guardian angels take me to places I was supposed to be and lead me into some incredible light!

New Year's has always been one of my favorite days. I just love fresh starts and new beginnings. I I love making goals and figuring out how to become my best self. I love planning and believing for a brighter future.

2015 is going to be incredible, I just have this strong feeling. I can't wait to see what's in store.

10 of my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Eat healthy (only 3 treats a week)

2. Work on something related to personal progress at least two times a week

3. Cook at least once a week, learning new recipes to prepare me for my future family

4. Thank you cards once a week

5. Write in journal no matter how tired I am - never miss a day!

6. Go to the temple once a week

7. Scripture study for 45 min. every morning BEFORE leaving

8. See the good in every single person. Don't even think a negative thought about someone because I have no right to judge.

9. Drink more water - LOTS more!

10. SERVICE is going to be my main priority this year! I am going to serve, serve, serve my heart out! I plan on making visits once a week to random people, I will send SHINE mail to many people, I will raise awareness to things that matter to me, I will visit the woman's prison, I will volunteer more. I want everything I do to be based on giving everything I have to offer! It will be a pay-it-forward year that is for sure! It will all be under the direction of the Lord and what He wants me to do in the moment.

See if I tell you them, I'm more committed, right? So I plan on being held accountable.

Happy New Year's!!!


  1. You are such an inspiration to me. Let's meet up again!

  2. You're so sweet! Yes, let's do it! Indoors with yummy food. :-)


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