Today I wanted to write a post about heartbreak for Christian Girls. I want girls everywhere to know that although heartbreak hurts and is basically something you can't avoid in this beautiful world, it is always worth it to go through a trying experience. You will always come out stronger and refined in the end.
Although heartbreak hurts,
everything that is painful has a purpose.
If I could tell girls anything, I would encourage girls to actively strive to let love into your life without fear of getting hurt. There is so much beauty that comes from heartbreak. It's a process we all must go through to be the girl God wants us to be. The most incredible thing of all is the knowledge that Christ will always heal your heart. Your heart won't stay broken forever, I promise.
My very wise and beautiful cousin once shared these words of wisdom -
"Worst case scenario, you had your hopes up and you get your heart broken. But that's not actually so bad. Just place your hope in the atonement and in God's plan and remember that God works with us best when we come to Him with a broken heart. He'll heal it and make you better. So don't be afraid of heartbreak."
Although we've been discussing love, heartbreak doesn't just relate to love and relationships. It can relate to every area of your life. Plans not working out, dreams not coming true, heartbreak in feeling lost and alone, fear or dismay, pain or agony. Everything that hurts us and causes us pain and our hearts to tremble, is simply beautiful. Think about it, we wouldn't be who we are if we never went through hard situations and experiences we had to overcome. While the pain can be so excruciating at that moment, it's moments like that where we come out stronger and better. You can look back through your life and see that Heavenly Father made adjustments to the fairy-tale you thought you wanted, only to see He designed the perfect Happily Ever After, just for YOU because He knows you personally. Every single thing that breaks your heart, God uses those experiences to build your mansion, helping you to become the girl you were meant to be.
The beautiful thing I have discovered about heartbreak is God speaks to you more clearly and more easily when your heart is broken and needs a little mending. When that feeling becomes overwhelming and you feel alone, wishing it would all be taken away, that is when you turn to God. Allow God to mend your heart for you! Through the power of prayer, you will find the purpose of the trial you are facing.
Heartbreak leads to humility. When you practice humility, it means you are admitting that you are not strong enough to do it on your own. {Mosiah 4:11-12} That is when you reach out for Heavenly Father's help. Heavenly Father wants you to turn to Him. He loves you so much and He longs to heal your heart. Sometimes Heavenly Father will intentionally put heartbreak on your path so you have the opportunity to experience the beautiful tenderness He always has to offer.
I love these 3 Scriptures and the way they explain how you must be humble so He can dwell within you:
1) Isiah 57:15 - For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
2) D&C 56:18 - But blessed are the poor who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are contrite, for they shall see the kingdom of God coming in power of great glory unto their deliverance; for the fatness of the earth shall be theirs.
3) 2 Nephi 2:7 - Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered. {Christ offers himself to those who have a broken heart}
God can take away so much of our pain, but sometimes He allows us to experience this turmoil and heartbreak so He can speak to us, humble us, make us whole, and guide us in the direction that He knows is best for our life. After all, He makes weak things become strong. {Ether 12:27}
Nothing sums up what I am trying to say, better than the lyrics from Hillary Week's song, 'Beautiful Heartbreak.'
I had it all mapped out in front of me
Knew just where I wanted to go
But life decided to change my plans
And I found a mountain in the middle of my road
I knew there was no way to move it
So I searched for a way around
Broken-hearted I started climbing
And at the top I found
Every fear, every doubt, all the pain I went through
Was the price that I paid to see this view
Now that I'm here I would never trade
The grace that I feel and the faith that I find
Through the bittersweet tears and the sleepless nights
I used to pray He'd take it all away
But instead it became
A beautiful heartbreak
I never dreamed my heart would make it
And I thought about turning around
But Heaven has shown me miracles
I never would have seen from the ground
Now I take the rain with the sunshine
Cause there's one thing that I know
He picks up the pieces
Along each broken road
Every fear, every doubt, all the pain I went through
Was the price that I paid to see this view
Now that I'm here I would never trade
The grace that I feel and the faith that I find
Through the bittersweet tears and the sleepless nights
I used to pray He'd take it all away
But instead it became
A beautiful heartbreak
Also, here is a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2006.
It is titled ''Broken Things To Mend' ... I highly recommend it. To read the talk, go HERE!